Wilmington ALA Newsletter

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Wilmington ALA News for August 2024


Wilmington ALA News for July 2024

Every month we plan on sharing the latest news and important reminders. Are you ready? Let’s begin.

Saturday School News:

Attention Students! On Saturday, July 20th, 2024, the school will be open from 9AM to 1 PM.  This is a great opportunity for you to work on your credits and turn them in for your teachers to grade. During this month’s Saturday School, our English Learners will also participate in an English Conversation Workshop and practice various dialogues in English.

News from Mr. Rod Higginbotham:

Hello Students and Parents. I wanted to let you know that I will no longer be supporting the Wilmington School site as your administrator. I would like to thank you all for welcoming me here. Wilmington is a great community, and you will always have a special place in my heart.

News and Reminders from Wilmington’s Lead Teacher, Mr. Tan Nguyen:

Students, please remember to check in with your teacher when you come in and check out when you’re about to leave.

News and reminders from our Counselor, Ms. Muralles:

Students, please remember to schedule your 1st semester grade-level advisement meeting with your school counselor, Mrs. Muralles.  Call or text at (714) 356-9843 if you have any questions.

News from Student Retention Support, Ms. Raquel Hernandez

Students, to avoid getting meeting notices from me, make sure you are turning in credits (WEEKLY)!! Feel free to reach out at any time if you feel you are falling behind so we can come up with an action plan – (424) 287-4230.

News and Reminders from our Student Relations Technician, Ms. Mayra Perez,

  • 2024-2025 Registrations are coming soon. Application appointments will be available for direct assistance.
  • Hire LA Youth applications are available in the front office. Program is available for youth between the ages of 14 – 24. The program offers paid work experience and enrichment training.

Student of the Month: 

Name: Angelina Briones

Supervisory Teacher: Ms. Teves

Credit you’re working on: Algebra

Favorite Subject: English

Hobbies: Roblox and Music

What do you like most about Wilmington ALA? – I love the fridge.

Educator of the Month:

Name: Lisa Ryan

Subject/Department: Special Education

Where did you graduate from? Azusa Pacific University

Hobbies: Hiking, fishing, walks with friends, and camping.

What do you like most about Wilmington ALA? I love the way Wilmington staff support each other for the benefit of all the Wilmington students.

News from Student Leadership:

Student Leadership is currently working on a mural. If you want to join, our team is working on the mural on Thursdays from 10AM to 12PM.  For more information, please speak with Ms. Gama.

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